Real first name: Davor Age: 24 Where you live: Bosnia and Herzegovina Occupation: Just graduated at faculty for Homeland Security.
Do you have a microphone? Yes. How would you rate your English-speaking ability? Sufficient for full communication. Notable previous guild(s): I am in Veneficius Ex. Reason for leaving current guild: Need a more dedicated and skilled guild. Describe your 40/25/10-man raid experience: Fun, fun fun. Tell us a bit about yourself: Just graduated college. Applied to be a detective or a army officer. What kind of attendance are you able to keep in a 30-day period? I can be online almost all the night in week. What is our guild leader's favourite fruit? (Hint: Read the Guild Charter) Tel'Abim Bananas. How did you hear about us? From a trade chat. Any references or people you know that can vouch for your personality and skill: Not sure.. you saw me in last Paragon / klaxxi fight.
Your availability (please go into detail): Tuesday: Available. Thursday: Available. Sunday: Available. Other: Available.